The challenges for healthcare and the life science industry are huge. How to handle the major causes for severe diseases and to reduce the number of deaths within the area of Communicable Diseases like virus and bacterises, which is really something that affect us all in our daily life? And Non-Communicable Diseases where cancer and cardiovascular diseases reaps a large number of lives every year together with connected diagnoses?
These areas are prioritized by WHO, UN and EU – so how do we deal with them in Sweden, and not the least the NCDs? The number of elderly is growing and with that, the comorbidities where we need to understand more about the connections between them. How can we increase knowledge, keep the trust for science and society and at the same time stimulate innovations in healthcare for the benefit of the patients?
Welcome to two interesting days with Swedish and International speakers and where you as a delegate also play and important role to the programme!
Programme – 17 march
Registration opens
Welcome to our registration desk when you arrive at ELITE Palace Hotel.
Please bring your e-mail confirmation for your participation.
You are required to wear your conference badge all day for security purposes.
09:00 – Vanadissalen / Vasasalen
Introduction / Welcome

Founder FOKUS Patient®
Penilla Gunther is a former Member of Swedish Parliament and founder of the initiative FOKUS Patient®, President of the European Patient Safety Foundation and a member of the Steering Committee för The Heart Failure Policy Network since 2015. Gunther was appointed by the European Commission 2022 as Member of the Cancer Mission Board for implementing goals from the Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan together with the Horizon Programme.
As both a former policymaker at all levels, and with a life-long patient experience, Gunther has got an overarching knowledge of healthcare systems, life science and is involved in several areas where especially can be mentioned patient’s rights, CVDs, transplantation & organ donation, and cancer.
Robb Butler, Director of the Division of Communicable Diseases, Environment and Health, WHO
09:05 – Vanadissalen / Vasasalen
Keynote Speech: Robb Butler, Director of the Division of Communicable Diseases, Environment and Health, WHO
Mr Robb Butler is a social scientist and public health promotion adviser with over 25 years of international experience working in public health, social protection, and humanitarian assistance in developing and transitional Member States.
Mr Butler began his career in rural Afghanistan in 1990, and worked for 17 years on rural development, social protection, and sexual and reproductive health programmes in South and South-East Asia, the Pacific, and the horn of Africa, before joining WHO in 2009. Initially, Mr Butler spearheaded efforts to strengthen childhood immunization demand in countries of the WHO European Region. In 2014 he was appointed Regional Adviser for Vaccine-Preventable Diseases and Immunization at WHO/Europe.
Between 2020 and 2023, Mr Butler served as Executive Director at WHO/Europe. His division set new standards in communications and resource mobilization and drove innovation in governance, while building momentum for the European Programme of Work’s behavioural and cultural insights flagship.

Head of CD Division, WHO
The importance of the European Health Union and a new standing Committee on Public Health in EP
09:15 – Vanadissalen / Vasasalen
Keynote Speech: “The importance of the European Health Union and a new standing Committee on Public Health in EP”

Member of European Parliament, EPP. Member of ENVI – the Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety & SANT – the new permanent Committee on Public Health. Former Member of Swedish Parliament (The Moderate Party). Virtual participation.
Resilience and actions in an uncertain world
09:25 – Vanadissalen / Vasasalen
Panel Discussion: “Resilience and actions in an uncertain world”
With an international to local perspective, this panel will discuss what to expect the next five years within healthcare, considering preparedness for. new pandemics, climate changes or other types of crises? Together with changed attitudes to science and expectations on healthcare and life science within the society?

Senior Research Scientist, IVI – International Vaccines Institutet, Regional office, Europe

Director of the Division of Communicable Diseases, Environment and Health, WHO

Director General, The Public Health Agency of Sweden. Former Director General, National Board of Health and Welfare. Member of WHO Region Europe Standing Committee

Senior life science consultant
10:10 – Restaurant
Coffee or tea
1) The impact of viruses and bacteria on disease
2) Patient safety throughout the entire patient journey
Parallel seminars
This seminar will bring the foundation to a discussion on “common” viruses and bacterias in our society and the effect it has on people already suffering from e.g cancer, cardiovascular diseases, or autoimmune diseases. But also the risks to get another disease or worsening from them with bad oral health, allergies, COP etc, being transplanted or in a cancer treatment. How to build better knowledge among the population how to prevent all this?

Founder The Sepsis Foundation, Member of the Board, The Global Sepsis Alliance

Professor Virology, Umeå University, Secretary General, The Virus- and Pandemic Foundation

Professor in clinical oral immunology. Director of studies for researchers and group leader at the Institution on Laboratory Medicines, Karolinska Institutet

Policy expert HPV, The Swedish Cancer Society

Senior Life Science Consultant, Co-founder FOKUS Patient
This session will be about patient safety throughout the entire patient journey, from getting in touch with healthcare, to information and knowledge about patient safety in drugs and medtech, access to treatment and who is responsible for the different parts, especially in crisis. Another area, highlighted by WHO is blood health and patient blood management, something that needs to be considered in patient safety management.

MD (General Practitioner) and Investigator healthcare, The Swedish Accident Investigation Authority

CEO, LIF – the trade association for the research-based pharmaceutical industry in Sweden. Former Director of The Health and Social Care Inspectorate (IVO) a government agency

Executive Director, Global Aliance for Patient Access

General Secretary EUPSF – European Patient Safety Foundation
11:20 – ?
1) Pandemic Knowledge and Preparedness
2) Fact-based Information
Parallel seminars
This session will bring the topics of experiences and knowledge from the COVID 19-pandemic and about those who still suffer from the effects of the disease, but also what kind of preparedness we need to have for another pandemic. What are the biggest risks and how to equip society in ethical priorities?

Assistant Professor in applied ethics, Linköping University

Professor Virology, Umeå University, Secretary General, The Virus- and Pandemic Foundation

Chair, The Working Group for Pandemic Preparedness, The Swedish Life Science Organisation – SwedenBio

Doctor, spokesperson Swedish Covid Association

Senior Life Science Consultant, Co-founder FOKUS Patient
How do we communicate so that as many as possible can understand what a pandemenic is, what kind of risks there are for virus and bacterias in society and how they spread? What kind of media should be used and listen to, when attitudes to media information also have changed the last couple of years, eg vaccine, cholesterol etc. And how can the European Health Data Space increase citizen engagement and knowledge?

Head of Health, YouTube DE (Google)

President, EFMI – European Federation for Medical Informatics, Senior Adviser, SciLifeLab DC, Uppsala, Member of the Board, Center for Transdisciplinary AI, Umeå University, Sweden

MD PhD Industry Director, Healthcare and Life Sciences EMEA, Microsoft Global HLS Team, Chair of eHealth Doctors Association, Sweden

Senior advisor & Head of Unit, Swedish eHealth Agency

Senior Communications Consultant
12:30 – Restaurant
More information coming soon.
1) What’s the future for science?
2) Actions to prevent AMR - Is a broader use of vaccines one way to go?
Parallel seminars
The annual survey ”VA-Barometern” presented by the organisation Public & Science Sweden shows how much trust and confidence the Swedish people has got for science, researchers, news, technologies etc, and at the European level, EU has its own ”Eurobarometer”, showing how much truust people have for their country, EU, media etc. We can still see quite good results for democracy and science in Sweden, but for how long?

Secretary General, The Science and Society Foundation

Head of European Commission Representation in Sweden

Editor-in-Chief Life Science Sweden and Medtech Magazine

Journalist, The Dentist Magazine

Corporate Public Affairs Manager, Bayer Sweden
Many people need antibiotics but the AMR is increasing. What kind of other solutions are we currently seeing, is a broader use of vaccines one of them to protect patients at risk of complications due to infections when many also already having NCDs like cardiovascular or respiratory diagnoses, or being transplanted. Is a vaccine program for elderly something to work for?

Global Health Consultant, International Vaccine Institute (IVI), Region Europe

Director, Scientific and Medical Affairs, Vaccines Europe

Nephrologist, Board Member, Senior Doctors Association

The Swedish Association for Heart-Lung transplanted Patients and President, LAM Academy (Patient Association for lymphangioleiomyomatosis)

Sr Consultant Radiologist, Medical Director Oriola
To employ governance and regulation for AI in health to build trust, advance equity, and deliver on AI’s potential
14:30 – Vanadissalen / Vasasalen
Keynote Speech: “To employ governance and regulation for AI in health to build trust, advance equity, and deliver on AI’s potential”
Dr. Ricardo Baptista Leite is a Portuguese-Canadian medical doctor trained in infectious diseases with extensive experience in global health, health systems and science-based policymaking. Prior to his current role as CEO of ‘HealthAI – The Global Agency for Responsible AI in Health’ in Geneva, Dr. Ricardo served four terms as a Member of Parliament in Portugal on both health and foreign affairs committees. Ricardo is a city councillor in Sintra and previously served as Deputy Mayor of Cascais.
He is the founder and President of the ‘UNITE Parliamentarians Network for Global Health’, a network of current and former policymakers from 110 countries. With more than 15 years of academic experience, he is Chair of the Board of the Harvard-Charité Global Health Policy Lab, based in Berlin, and Chair of the Centre for Global Health at NOVA University Information Management and Data Science School in Lisbon. He completed postgraduate studies at Johns Hopkins University, Harvard Kennedy School of Government and Harvard Medical School. Previously, Dr Baptista Leite worked as a practising physician in the Portuguese National Health Service for several years, including an internship at the World Health Organization.
More recently, he served as a medical volunteer both during the COVID pandemic in his hometown hospital in Portugal for over a year and as part of a humanitarian mission at the Lviv Regional Hospital in Ukraine during the first summer after the beginning of the war.

CEO HealthAI – The Global Agency for Responsible AI in Health

Client Executive Business Development, EY Sweden
15:00 – Restaurant
Coffee or tea
15:30 – Vanadissalen / Vasasalen
Presentation of nominees for The Patient Advocates of The Year
Information TBC




A competitive life science industry and a healthcare system which can be adjusted as needed - how is that going to happen?
16:00 – Vanadissalen / Vasasalen
Panel Discussion: A competitive life science industry and a healthcare system which can be adjusted as needed – how is that going to happen?
Europe’s healthcare needs to become more equal, as well as the rest of the world. New and more innovative products and methods have to be implemented for the benefit of the patient as well as for keeping the life science industry interest in Europe but maybe also in the US? Let’s listen to different angels of this problem, and solutions.

Hans Martens
Senior Advisor on core policies in the EU, President European Association of Value-Based Health Care
Hans Martens was born in Denmark, and he studied Political Science at Aarhus University, specializing in EU affairs and in public administration, and went on to become Associate Professor in international political and economic relations. He joined the European Policy Centre, a leading Brussels think tank, as Chief Executive in 2002, and retired from that post in September 2013. He is now Senior Advisor to EPC and to the Danish think tank Europa. He chairs CHES (Coalition for Health, Ethics and Society), the health policy programme of the EPC.

Manager at the Health Division, Vinnova – The Swedish Innovation Agency
Elisabet Nielsen has been working since 2012 at Vinnova, The Swedish Innovation Agency in different positions with European, Nordic and national programmes in health which finance research and innovation. Nielsen works in different ways to promote and increase collaboration between all stakeholders in healthcare and life science.

Founder and CEO Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Association, USA

Healthcare Director, Deloitte. Former E-health strategist at The National Board of Health and Welfare, Sweden

Life Science Consultant, Former CEO, LIF – the trade association for the research-based pharmaceutical industry in Sweden
16:55 – Vanadissalen / Vasasalen
Thank you

17:30 – Second floor, Bar Aperitivo
WELCOME to FOKUS Patient® Networking Event 2025
All guests registered for the conferences and the Networking Event are welcome to join us for some food, drinks and music at the second floor of the Elite Palace Hotel, The Bar Aperitivo.
Have you forgotten to register? Talk to Penilla Gunther if there are any seats left.
Musical entertainment with DJ Choco Canel
The digital and physical meeting place FOKUS Patient is an initiative and brand of Citizens Affairs AB. FOKUS Patient was founded in 2019 to gather and create networks between all stakeholders in healthcare and life science – with a patient perspective. We collaborate with all actors; patient and industry associations, pharmaceutical and medtech companies, authorities, academia and healthcare, and more.
If you want to know more, see our website
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p: +46704438951
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t: +46708736344