New conditions for society and CD
The start of a new mandate for the European Parliament brings forward a series of challenges to solve the union’s most pressing societal issues.
Can Europe get it all while ensuring democracy, address climate changes, strengthen competitiveness for our industries (life sciences not the least), and on top of that, provide patients’ equitable access to care?
From beating Communicable Diseases (CD) including a recent pandemic, to handle AMR, vaccination, promoting prevention and tackle social and behavioral changes, our discussions will be focused on actionable solutions.
By gather influential policymakers and experts from Sweden, EU and beyond, our FOKUS Patient® Future Days provide an unparalleled opportunity to set forward concrete policy asks for all society levels.
New conditions for healthcare and NCD
Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) represent 80% of the disease burden in the EU and the leading cause of avoidable premature deaths. Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) and Cancer, are the number one killers in Europe and in the world.
NCD is also a priority area for WHO and UN.
How can the European Commission’s policies support the continued work with the Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan and the development and implementation of effective preventive interventions and early detection strategies for and between NCDs including a Cardiovascular Health Plan?
Solid project funding and investments are key: How can the EU strengthen incentives such as the usage of AI, precision medicine and fast regulations
How do we tackle the main causes of ill health and death that are communicable diseases (CDs) as well as non-communicable diseases (NCDs)?
March 17 is about Communicable Diseases – infectious diseases and where changed attitudes towards democracy and trust in society affect individuals, groups and not least healthcare in situations where we need it most.
Developments in AMR and vaccines are two areas that affect both days:
March 18 is about Non-Communicable Diseases – non-communicable diseases. Many people have cancer and cardiovascular diseases, which are combined here with a number of other diagnoses, and which cause ill health and a large number of deaths per year.
Comorbidity is a growing problem where new solutions need to be found for the sake of patients, both within the profession and the organization of healthcare.
Yes, we will still have keynote speakers and panels, different tracks for seminars and lunch & coffee breaks!
Dont worry!
BUT this time you will also have the opportunity to express your point of view in workshops and in smaller groups. Discussions together with other professionals.
By bringing stakeholders from different parts of society together with life science and healthcare, the chance to find ideas and solutions for delegates and invited speakers from Sweden, EU and other countries to “take home” to your organizations will be stronger.
All of us can contribute with our personal & professional backgrounds and experiences.
FOKUS Patient® Future Days arrangeras av Citizens Affairs genom varumärket FOKUS Patient.
FOKUS Patient® är en mötesplats för hälso- och sjukvård och life science med ett patientperspektiv. Vi samarbetar med alla aktörer; patient- och branschföreningar, läkemedels- och medtechföretag, myndigheter, akademi och vården med flera.
Den digitala och fysiska mötesplatsen FOKUS Patient är ett initiativ och varumärke av Citizens Affairs AB och startade 2019 som ett initiativ från Penilla Gunther, tidigare riksdagsledamot, för att samla och skapa nätverk mellan alla intressenter inom hälso- och sjukvård och life science – med ett patientperspektiv.
Vill du veta mer, se vår hemsida www.fokuspatient.se
Citizens Affairs AB är den personliga public affairs-byrån med det stora hjärtat!
Vi erbjuder strategisk rådgivning inom public affairs och nätverkande mellan olika intressenter inom hälso- och sjukvårdsområdet.
Vårt erbjudande kan vara fristående från, eller tillsammans med vårt initiativ och varumärke FOKUS Patient®, men oavsett vilket uppdrag vi får, utgår vi från människan – patientens – perspektiv.
Vill du veta mer, se vår hemsida www.fokuspatient.se/citizens-affairs